helm repo add highcanfly https://helm-repo.highcanfly.club
These are presented as is. Anyone is free to use them, and make suggestions, but they were created for our own use. At some point we want to submit them to the actual helm charts repo.
cert-manager-webhook-cloudns ( 1.0.0 @ 1.0.4 )
A helm chart for cert-manager-webhook-cloudns
cert-manager-webhook-oci ( 1.3.1 @ 1.3.1 )
Allow cert-manager to solve DNS challenges using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure DNS
cloudflared ( 0.1.0 @ 1.16.0 )
A Helm chart for deploying Highcanfly's cloudflared in net-tools container.
crontab-ui ( 1.0.0 @ )
A modified version of https://github.com/alseambusher/crontab-ui with Cloud commander
dolidock ( 0.11.5 @ )
A Helm chart for deploying a full Dolibarr stack
easyappointments ( 0.2.0 @ 1.5.0-dev.3 )
A Helm chart for deploying Easyappointments on Kubernetes
flex-smtpd ( 0.1.6 @ )
A Helm chart deploying a SMTP relay server https://github.com/highcanfly-club/docker-smtp-relay
gitea ( 1.0.2 @ 1.21.6 )
A Helm chart for deploying Gitea for Highcanfly
hcf-coder ( 0.3.0 @ 1.5.15 )
A Helm chart for deploying hcf-coder on Kubernetes
hcfmailer ( 1.0.0 @ )
An adapted version of Listmonk
hcfmailerplus ( 0.4.2 @ v20240301 )
A Helm chart for HighCanFly HCFMailer+
hcfschedule ( 0.1.0 @ 1.5.0-dev.3 )
A Helm chart for deploying HCF!Shedule on Kubernetes
helm-dashboard ( 0.1.9 @ 1.3.1a )
A GUI Dashboard for Helm by Komodor
minio ( 0.2.1 @ v2.47.2 )
A Helm chart for Kubernetes
nginx-ad-auth ( 0.1.0 @ 1.2.1 )
A Helm chart for deploying nginx-ad-auth
odoo ( 0.4.1 @ )
A Helm chart for deploying our custom Odoo
pretix ( 0.3.5 @ 4.21.21 )
A Helm chart for deploying Pretix on Kubernetes
roundcube ( 0.2.7 @ 1.6.6e )
Our Helm chart for our roundcube needs
sctgdesk ( 1.0.7 @ 1.0.0 )
A Helm chart for deploying the backend of the SCTGDesk application
ubuntu-w64build ( 0.1.2 @ 0.1.1 )
A Helm chart for Kubernetes
web-smtp-relay ( 0.2.1 @ 1.2.0 )
A Helm chart for Web-SMTP Relay
whois-rest ( 1.0.1 @ 0.9.0 )
A Helm chart for the Whois REST service